Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Blog Post #11

Watching Little Kids with Big Potential I am so amazed at these first graders!!! Who would have thought they would be capable of doing so mucn through the use of technology.They were excited to use their blogs, even more so than writing in their books because students family and friends were able to see their work and comment on their blog posts. They were encouraged to share that they were only to say nice stuff :) I loved that!! They also were allowed the use of webpages during centertime. These webpages allowed the first graders to use different pages and takes them places to learn. They are also allowed to access Wiki so that they may ask questions for help. These students also have shared and made videos with other students. This interaction is important for students to be well rounded in technology as well as being able to see other students and how they live and learn. I loved how they were able to Skype with other students and teachers around the world. Incorporating the Nintendo DS in the classroom I thought would be a hassle. However the students were adament that this allowed them to learn how to share. It also allowed them to be better problem solvers. WAtching this video truly opened my eyes, although I am not teaching this age group, it gave me some form of encouragement that my generaation of students will stil be able to apply all of these technigues. This opens the doors for students to learn from other people and students. Kathy Cassidy has been doing this for ten years she said she has always had an open mind to new technology. The thing that dissapointed me in her interview was that through the ten years of doing this with her students, she has been really the only one other than her tech. cordinator. I wish other people and her fellow teachers would see the importance of this video and the meaning behind it. I loved how our class and school name was tied with this video. This alone should be encouraging for adminitrators world wide. The world is taking for granted what trechnology has to offer, if we do not jump on the bandwagon we are only hurting ourselves and our futures.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah.

    I loved Ms. Cassidy's video. It was truely amazing to see what these first graders were capable of. They were very excited about their technology usage. It is so cool to see students excited to learn.

    I really like the idea of having students blog. The students in the video really enjoyed it. I think that it helps them produce work they are proud of and can be easily shared.

    I agree that it is a shame that not many teachers in her school have picked up on the importance of technology in the classroom. She has done so much with her students and they have learned a lot. She is a true inspiration.

    Great post!
