Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Blog Post #3

Part #1
When asked to view What is peer editing , the powerpoint on peer editing, as well as the video on the top ten mistakes on peer editing I acquired a lot of useful techniques. Techniques in which I, myself, can use when editing my peers as well as techniques to build my own classroom curriculum. Within the first video it elaborates on three major steps the first being compliments. Remembering to stay positive when providing my peers with advice is vital, it will aid in them becoming more comfortable with me as well as my peers becoming more comfortable with their own writing. This will also aid in creating an atmosphere in my classroom for students who are not confident within their writing skills. When offering suggestions the video and powerpoint talk about providing to your peers ideas on how to make their piece better while focusing on word choice, organization, sentences and topics. If one is not able to provide specific advice on how to make the piece better , there is really no point in peer editing. Without specific instruction and or specific corrections the writer is looking at the piece they wrote assuming it was written correctly. Thirdly the video and powerpoint focus on corrections including punctuation, grammar, sentences, and spelling. It is important to provide your peers with advice on how to grammatically fix their mistakes so in the future they will automatically be focusing on their previous conventions.
The second video was about the top ten mistakes on peer review. The video was made from a child's point of view, but was very informative. They elaborated on being too picky, being too involved with others in the classroom, being rude or mean when giving advice, rushing, and on peers not being willing to take advice. The video used students to portray these mistakes by assigning names like Picky Patty, Whatever William and Defensive Dave. In doing this it allows the viewer to see how easy it is to make these mistakes when peer editing. As a future English teacher I know how important editing is for a students written work, however I feel it is equally important for students ro receive advice from peers their own age that are on their level.
Part #2
A) Technology in Special Education video was very informative, I am majoring in secondary education, so I never have put much emphasis on special education. However after watching this video I have realized that special education is equally important, but the teachers must work even harder to get their students to engage and learn due to their disabilities. With the use of technology in a special education setting a teacher is opening so may doors for their students to learn and engage. Technology has affected the way teachers can communicate with special education students as well as created an environment for these students to feel as though they are like everyone else.
If I were to have a class of special needs students I would do as this teacher has and take full advantage of any form of technology I was provided with. I would use ipods so my students would be able to listen to written work through audio books. I would also use a computer to cross the communication bearer amongst me and that student. As their teacher I would incorporate a smart board or screen so that I could capture their attention as effortlessly as this teacher has. It takes a special person to teach special needs students. This teacher on this video has done an awesome job!
B) Through watching the video on how the Ipad works with academics for autism I was instantly intrigued. My nephew has autism and my aunt has done an incredible job in intervening and educating him in any way possible. As most know children with autism have speach problems, which spills into when they get older they become quickly aggitated because they can not communicate effectively. Watching the little boy play on the Ipad and doing educational Apps made me realize how technology has made such an advancement for special needs children.
When choosing an App, I chose the Conversation Builder, which is designed for children with Autism. It aids in allowing them to build a conversation through imagery and text without becoming agitated. The COnversation Builder App would help students with autism to learn and communicate more effectively in a classroom. Unfortunately autistic kids are placed in a classroom with students who do not have learning disabilities, which causes for more more aggravation for that student. Because they can watch other students interacting with one another and the teacher, however they are not able to. With the Conversation Builder App it would allow these students to not fall through the cracks and allow them to communicate more with their fellow classmates and teacher.
C) Harness your students' digital smarts by Vicki Davis
Vicki Davis a teacher from a rural area in Camilla, GA has changed her students and communities way of learning. She has impacted her students lives in such a way that they would be prepared for their futures outside of their small town. Which to me is one of the upmost responsibilities as a teacher, she is leaving these kids with vital techniques and the smarts to engage and experience with technology. By giving students the means to navigate through technology she is allowing these students to have the experience to soar in their future endeavors. Vicki mentions how paper and pen learning are for some students however, when teaching with technology one can engage with students no matter what their learning type is like. There are multiple ways to reach students through Apps, social networks, blogs, and portals.
Vicki claims some teachers have the outlook that they must have full knowledge of the subject matter they are teaching in order to effectively teach their students. However Vicki says that she introduced terraform to her students and they were the ones teaching her how to do things! As a teacher I feel there is nothing wrong with allowing your students to teach you something, we learn something new everyday, so why not learn something from a student.. These students are learning how to learn though technology, technology is advancing daily sometimes quicker than I can keep up with. It is good to know that teachers around the world are taking the time to introduce technology to their students in hopes to further their success in the future.


  1. Hannah, you included some very important comments in you blog post and I really enjoyed looking it over. I loved how you stated that staying positive will help build the confidence in your students as well as help your students to become comfortable with you and one another. You could not have said it any better, it is extremely important to remain positive in peer editing. In editing your blog I can only state a few small suggestions. First, I noticed your sources that you viewed and wrote your blog on were not provided with a link. This is a common era I think we have all made in creating our blog post,but this can be corrected easily by editing your blog and clicking on the link tab. The only other suggestion I may have in editing your blog is to make sure you include a picture within each blog post. This mistake can also be corrected by editing your post and clicking the image tab. I look forward to following your future blog posts!

  2. Hello Hannah,

    Sabra did a good job of covering the main points I wanted to make. Just remember to include the links and an image in each blog post. I found a few spelling errors (I'm also an English major), so I just want to encourage you to type your blog posts in a Word document before you post them. It's an easy way to ensure that you don't have small errors like "speach" and "aggitated" in your post. Once you're done with the writing part, you can just copy and paste to Blogger. Sometimes it's hard to edit what you've written in the small Blogger text boxes. This way makes it easier.
